THURSDAYS 4 pm to 8 pm

June 20 - October 31

Bank St & Highland Ave
(Parking Lot of Abbott Church)


Walking, Peaches, Sausages...and a WEDDING!?!
None of these things is quite like the other, but ALL of them are happening at the Highlandtown Farmers' Market! 

All hands...or should we say FEET...are in! 
Baltimore Medical Systems, Inc (BMS) is hosting a walking group for all ages. Meet, talk, then walk. Begins around 5pm at the market.

Peach season is coming to an end, so get your peaches while they're ripe. Want to save a few for later in the year...check out this easy method from Highlandtown resident and market goer Monica:

How To Freeze Peaches
Cut in 1/2. Peel and slice into 8 pieces. Place in small freezer bag, push out air and freeze. 

You can make individual servings by putting one peach into a sandwich bag and then place the individual serving bags into the freezer bag. It fits about 3-4 individual bags.
Add to smoothies, stews, and more. Nothing like the taste of peaches in the middle of winter! 

Labor Day is here. It signals the end of summer, but it also means we get one more cook out! Be sure to grab some grillin' grub at the market. Ferguson Family Farm has a great selection of meats...including sausage, ground beef, chicken, and more! 

and finally, the WEDDING
(We'll have more updates in the weeks to come, so stay tuned)

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